Macroeconomic Green Dynamics International Workshop - "Optimal Timing and Control to Eradicate Firms’ Polluting Activities - The Roles of Fiscal and Monetary Policies"

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This specialized workshop on non-linear macroeconomic dynamics applied to environmental issues follows previous conferences and workshops organized in Urbino on non-linear economic dynamics and policies. The workshop aims to bring interaction among economists and social scientists who carry out research at the knowledge frontier under the premise that monetary and fiscal policies analyzed through non-linear macroeconomics are essential to confront climate change. As a global issue, fiscal and monetary policies to mitigate climate change require cooperative and coordinated actions at the international level, including addressing the fair distribution of economic and social costs between countries/economies and supporting the firms’ green productive transition. While governments’ fiscal policy introducing a global carbon tax remains an open topic, a growing number of academics and policymakers are exploring the potential contribution that central banks and financial regulators can make to reducing carbon emissions, i.e., the role of monetary policies in addressing climate change. Therefore, fiscal and monetary policies play critical roles in the sustainability of firms’ productive activities. Keynote speakers - 1) William A. Barnett (online participation), Oswald Distinguished Professor of Macroeconomics, Department of Economics, University of Kansas | and Center for Financial Stability, NY City, USA; 2) Francesco Drudi, Principal Advisor at the Directorate General Monetary Policy, European Central Bank (ECB); 3) Bard Harstad (online participation), The David S. Lobel Professor in Business and Sustainability and Professor of Political Economy, Stanford Graduate School of Business, Stanford University; 4) Irene Monasterolo, Professor of Climate Finance at Utrecht University School of Economics (U.S.E.), The Netherlands.

Jun 3, 2024 9:00 AM — Jun 4, 2024 6:00 PM
June 3-4, 2024, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Department of Economics, Society, and Politics (DESP), Urbino (Italy).
Matteo Bondesan
Matteo Bondesan
Research Fellow and PhD Candidate; Doctoral Fellow